Sunday, June 17, 2012

Palin Power: Epitome of Virtuous Women

guest post by Exodus_666

A Virtuous Woman

What's going on ?

After a wondrous and uplifting time at church this morning, my thoughts - naturally - wandered off to
the strong virtuous Palin women, particularly our Sarah and Bristol.

Our dear poster, woodybj, is always reminding us of how close to scripture this Pioneer mother and daughter team are. They surely walk their talk.

Sometimes I think God is speaking directly to me and wants me to pen another chapter to his Holy Manuscript.
The Book of Palin? 
One day I may heed that calling with the help of our illustrious poster Brian and his Barbaric Anus.

In the meantime, being Sunday and all, here is a passage from Crosswalk describing a true woman of
Please note, Crosswalk is 100% Palin friendly as you will see by just searching her name
such as: Sarah Palin and Lady Gaga: What They Have in Common, and Why (Hallelujah!) They're Both Right

To illustrate, please leer at this beautiful, GODLY mother-daughter team as you read the commands
straight from GOD regarding a virtuous woman.

A Godly Woman Always Seeks to be Modest in Her Dress.
Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent. (NIV). (Proverbs 7:10)
Her clothing points to her instead of her Father in Heaven and His holiness. The flesh flaunts the body.

A Godly Woman Always Seeks to be Holy in Her Conduct.

A Godly Woman Always Seeks to be Truthful in Speech and Motives.
This deceitful woman is an ugly woman because she is self-driven and wants her way. Her words and actions lead the man on a path to destruction.

(click to enlarge and you will see her non-deceitful REAL hair growing from God's special seed in her scalp)

A Godly Woman Seeks to be Gentle and Quiet.
The woman Folly is loud; she is undisciplined and without knowledge. (Proverbs 9:13, NIV)
She is loud and defiant, her feet never stay at home (Proverbs 7:11 NIV)

Do these passages not scream Sarah! Bristol is lovingly falling in her mother's virtuous footsteps.

And most of all, that Servant Heart..

And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. (2 Timothy 2:24, NIV)

Roar, Grizzlies, Roar!!

*******Special Photo Update*****


Special Request

Rather than using words to describe our dynamic, holy duo, please provide special photos you have collected, hidden under your mattress, between bible pages, ect...
Let's share VISUALLY the beam of God's holy light these two women of God represent.

note: If you don't want to post, please send to my private address. I want them ALL.  I'll even pay.


  1. You should use the one of Princess Make-Crap-Up-Istan dry humping on the floor wearing a white man's shirt on DWTS. Nothing says virtue like that!

  2. True! Wearing a man's white dress shirt with stocking/panties? and the naughty librarian "head"..both are well known fetishes.
    Ah, but it was just a costume.. team "Ballin'" would counter.

    Nothing screams twisted like in your face sexuality slathered with the name of God.

  3. Sarah looks like Linda from Bob's Burgers in some of these pics.
